
Mortgage Loan Originator

Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.
Address : 3848 Colonial Blvd, Suite 1, Fort Myers, FL-33966
Cell: 612-741-2613
Office: 239.277.9244 EXT 208
Fax: 239-277-0325
NMLS# 1874920

I’m originally from the Midwest and a graduate of Minneapolis Community & Technical College. As the daughter of successful entrepreneurs I learned the value of hard work, dedication and putting the needs of others first. Recently I decided to move to Florida to soak up the sun and enjoy the world around me. So when I was contemplating a career move, joining Primary Residential Mortgage as a Loan Consultant was an easy decision. I truly wanted to be part of the bigger picture, and making the American dream of homeownership come true for everyone!

Hobbies include travel and pursing my passion for the Arts and photography. I’ve been fortunate to have traveled extensively around parts of the world and met many wonderful people, while doing so I learned much about the Arts. I believe these experiences helped shape my skill set for serving others in this profession since every individual and circumstance is different. I look forward to meeting you when you’re ready for a home loan.

Florida Office of Financial Regulation MLD646